Arm wrestling is a sport that involves two competitors using their arms to try to force the other’s arm down onto a pad while keeping their own arm in a locked position. While the rules may vary slightly between different organizations, the basic rules of arm wrestling are generally the same.

Grip: The first rule of arm wrestling is the grip. Both competitors must have a firm grip on each other’s hands and cannot change their grip once the match has started.

Starting position: Once the grip is established, both competitors must position their elbows on the arm wrestling table and their shoulders must be in line with their elbows. The competitor’s free hand must be on the table and not touching their body.

Start of the match: The match begins when the referee says “ready, go.” Both competitors must start the match with their hands and wrist straight, and they cannot move until the referee gives the signal.

Fouls: There are several fouls that can result in disqualification, such as moving the elbow off the pad, lifting the free hand off the table, or intentionally slipping out of the grip.

Pinning: The goal of the match is to pin the opponent’s arm down onto the pad while keeping one’s own arm in a locked position. A pin is declared when the referee sees that the competitor’s hand has touched the pad.

Winning the match: The first competitor to win two out of three rounds is declared the winner of the match. If a round ends in a draw, the match will continue until a winner is determined.

Weight classes: Many arm wrestling organizations have weight classes to ensure fair competition. Competitors are matched against opponents of similar weight.

Arm wrestling is a sport with simple but strict rules. The grip, starting position, fouls, pinning, and winning the match are all essential parts of the sport. By following these rules and practicing proper technique, arm wrestlers can compete fairly and safely in this exciting sport.